الدموع النقية تطهر العين .. السيرة الحسنة كشجرة الزيتون لا تنمو سريعا لكنها تعيش طويلا....لا تشكي للناس جرحا أنت صاحبه فلا يؤلم الجرح إلا صاحبه ...إذا رأيت الجزء الأول من طريقك مليئا بالأشواك فلا تيأس فقد يكون الجزء الثاني مفروشا بالزهور والرياحين ..المغرور كالطائر كلما ارتفع في السماء صغر في أعين الناس ..ما أجمل أن تبتسم حين يظن الآخرون أنك سوف تبكى ..إن لم تكون مطرا تروي فلا تكونى نارا تشوي
Ways of saying "and".......... روابط تستخدم للإضافة
e.g. I watched TV and I logged onto the internet . Besides watching TV, I logged onto the internet.
e.g. I logged onto the internet in addition to watching TV.
e.g. As well as watching TV, I logged onto the internet.
عند إستخدام لربط فاعلين
فإن الفعل يتبع الفاعل الأول
e.g. He, as well as his friends, likes football.
e.g. They, as well as their son, are outside .
I not only watched TV, but I also logged onto the internet.
I not only watched TV, but I logged onto the internet as well.
عند بدء الجملة بـــــ لا بد أن
يتبعها صيغة السؤال
e.g. Not only did I watch T.V., but I also logged onto the internet.
عند إستخدام لربط فاعلين
فإن الفعل يتبع أقرب فاعل له
e.g. Not only Ahmed but also his brothers do karate .
Study the following conjunctions
Both........... and ........... ..............و...........كلا من
e.g. My brother is younger than me . My sister is younger than me.
1. Both my brother and my sister are younger than me.
2. Both of them are younger than me.
دائما يكون الفعل مع جمع
Neither............. nor .........و لا ذاك.................لا هذا
e.g. My brothers aren't tall. My father isn't tall.
1. Neither my brothers nor my father is tall.
2. Neither my father nor my brothers are tall.
الفعل يتبع أقرب فاعل له
دائما يكون الفعل مع مفرد
Neither of them is tall.
نستخدم أيضا لربط جملتين فاعلهم واحد ولكن الفعل مختلف
He doesn’t smoke. He doesn’t play cards.
He neither smokes nor plays cards.
عند بدء الجملة بــــ لا بد أن
يتبعها صيغة السؤال
e.g. Neither does he smoke nor play cards.
either........................ or ...............أو........إما
e.g. My brothers help me. My father helps me .
1. Either my brothers or my father helps me .
2. Either my father or my brothers help me .
لاحظوجود فاعلين بالجملة, ولكن الفعل يتبع أقرب فاعل له
دائما يكون الفعل مع مفرد
e.g. Either of them helps me.
Ways of saying "because".... روابط تستخدم لبيان السبب
because / since / as جملة (فاعل + فعل)
e.g. 1. He succeeded because he studied hard .
2. They came late as there was a traffic jam .
3. She will marry him since he is honest.
because of / due to / owing to / for
on account of / thanks to / through
++(verb+ ing)
1. They didn't go out because of the bad weather.
2. She cancelled her journey due to the exam .
3. Owing to the fog, he had an accident.
4. It was for his cleverness that he won the prize.
5. Some students are absent on account of the heavy rain.
6. I succeeded thanks to your help .
7. You can reach your goals only through working hard / hard work .