*عقبات obstacles
*عائق hindrance
*ثوره revolution
*طفره breakthrough
*تنظيم الاسره family planning
*تحديد النسل birth control
*الاستثمار investment
*المستثمرون investors
*مستوى المعيشه the standard of living
*مزابا merits = advantages
*عيوب demerits = disadvantages
*الأمان safety
*الأمن security
*الدخل القومى national income
*اثار monuments
*تكلفه المعيشه the cost of living
*تقاليد traditions
*عادات (جماعيه) customs
*وزاره السياحه the Ministry of Tourism
*يحتوى على contain
*رأس المال capital
*الأنشطه المدرسيه school activities
*تلوث pollution / contamination
*يدمر destroy
*دمار destruction *مدمر destructive
*ممارسه practice / practising
* معرض القاهره للكتاب the Cairo Book Fair
*يتغلب على overcome
*يؤثر على affect
*يؤثر تأثيرا سيئا على have/ has a bad effect on
*فى كل الميادين /المجالات in all fields
*صادرات exports *يصدر export *مصدر exporter
*واردات imports* يستورد import*مستورد importer
*تسهيلات facilities
*قنبله نوويه nuclear bomb
*على نطاق واسع on a wide scale
*فى مقابل in return for
*حقوق الانسان human rights
*يسود / يعم prevail
*اقتصاد economy * اقتصادى economic
*كفاح / نضال / يناضل struggle
*الخصخصه privatization
*جهل ignorance
*الاميه illiteracy
*إستصلاح reclamation
*ازمه crisis
*وسيله means
*انجازات achievements* ينجز/ يحقق achieve
*جذاب attractive
*سياسه policy *علم السياسه politics
*مساحات شاسعه vast areas
*مؤتمر conference
*يتخلص من get rid of
*انجازات achievements* ينجز/ يحقق achieve
*جذاب attractive
*سياسه policy *علم السياسه politics
*مساحات شاسعه vast areas
*مؤتمر conference
*يتخلص من get rid of
طنه citizenship
*الصداقه friendship
*يقضى على / يمحو eliminate / stamp out
*يحرز تقدم هائل make great progress
*يستفيد من make use of / benefit from
*يحسن استغلال make good use of
*يستغل خير استغلال make the best use of
*دون جدوى in vain
*موارد resources * مصادر sources
*التعاون cooperation * يتعاون cooperate
*فضائل virtues * رزائل vices* اثام / خطايا sins
*يستغنى عن do without/ go without/ dispense with
*فى حاجه ماسه الى in bad need of
*الدول المحبه للسلام peace-loving nations
*شريان الحياه the artery of life
*الأمم المتحده the United Nations
*السبيل الوحيد ل the only way to
*بمعزل عن apart from
*القرن 21 the twenty-first century
*لا جدوى من It is no use
*يتصدى لـ stand against
*نقد بناء constructive criticism
*الانانيه selfishness *الايثار unselfishness
*الاديان السماويه heavenly religions
*تدعو الى call for * يناشد call upon* دعوه call
*الحضاره civilization
*الثقافه culture *مثقف cultured
*الزراعه agriculture* زراعى agricultural
*الصناعه industry *صناعى industrial
• مصدر رئيسى ل a chief source of
*تعمير reconstruction
*يضاعف الجهود double efforts
*يمهد الطريق pave the way
* لصالح for the good of
*المرأه العامله the working woman
*يسعى الى seek to
*يزدهر flourish
*ريفى rural
* حضرى urban
* كبارى علويه fly-over bridges
* اراده قويه a strong will
* يلعب دور هام فى play an important role in
* تقف على قدم المساواه مع stand on equal footing with
*يحتفل ب celebrate * يضحى ب sacrifice
*ينعم ب enjoy * الدعم subsidy
* ينبغى علينا ان نبذل قصارى جهدنا لكى We must do our best to
* إحتكار monopoly * يحتكر monopolize
* شعار slogan / motto
* مأوى shelter
* متطلبات requirements * يتطلب require
*يحفز motivate * تحفيز /دفع motivation
*قيم values * ذو قيمه valuable
* يستحق ثمنه good value for money
* جزء لا يتجزء من part and parcel of
*يطلق سراح set….. free * يجرر free/ liberate
*نصر / إنتصار victory * هزيمه defeat
*يؤسس / يشيد set up / establish / erect / found
*ماعدا / سوى except
*حروب اهليه civil wars
* الهويه الوطنيه national identity
*ساعات الذروه rush hours
*يوزع distribute * توزيع distribution
* كفاءه efficiency
*النهضه renaissance
*قدوه role-model
* مثالى ideal
* دستور constitution
* يساير / يواكب / يلحق ب catch up with/ keep up with
*تكنولوجيا technology
* الهجره immigration
* غير شرعى/ غير قانونى illegal
*يعوض make up for / compensate
*نسبه percentage / ratio
* عقلى / عقلانى rational
* ترشيد الاستهلاك rationalizing consumption
*متفائل optimistic * متشائم pessimistic
*الثقه بالنفس self-confidence
*واثق فى نفسه self-confident
*الاعتماد على النفس / الاسقلال independence
*الاعتماد على النفس self-dependence
*مستقل / معتمد على نفسه independent
*الثقافه الغربيه the Western Culture
*سمات / خصائص characteristics
*متحد united *مفككك disunited *وحده unity
*رمز symbol
* بدنى physical * عقلى mental
*فوائد benefits
*التسامح tolerance * متسامح tolerant
* نبذ العنف rejecting violence
*المككتبات العامه public libraries
*يفوق عددا outnumber
*مجاعه starvation / famine
*الجحود / نكران الجميل ingratitude
* ناكر الجميل / جاحد ungrateful
*العرفات بالجميل / الامتنان gratitude
*معترف بالجميل grateful
* يركز على focus on
*تركيز concentration *يركز concentrate
*يستصلح reclaim *استصلاح reclamation
*الغزل والنسيج spinning and weaving
* إحتياطات precautions * حذر cautious
* دور العباده houses of worship *يعبد worship
*مبادره initiative
*يستغل exploit * إستغلال exploitation
* متاح / متوفر available
*رخاء prosperity
* رفاهيه welfare
* مبدع creative * ابداع creativity / innovation
*وسائل المواصلات means of transport
*الخجل shyness * خجول shy
*الرعايه الطبيه medical care
* السياحه العلاجيه curative tourism
*مفكرين thinkers / intellectuals
* أدباء men of letters / الأدب literature
*أدبى literary * علمى scientific
*ينجو survive * ناجون survivors
*يوفر ..ل provide … for/ provide (someone) with
* بترول / نفط petroleum / oil
* كوارث طبييعيه natural disasters
* زلزال earthquake * بركان volcano * سيول torrents
*فيضان flood * اعصارhurricane * ضباب fog
*شبوره mist *التلوث البيئى the environmental pollution
*منقرض extinct * ينقرض die out
* ثروه wealth * ثرى wealthy
*يغزو invade * غزو invasion/ conquest
* يقهر conquer *يحتل occupy *احتلال occupation
* إنسان ألى robot * معدات equipment *اجهزه sets
• أجهزه كهربائيه electric appliances
* اسطوره legend / myth
*معاهده سلام peace treaty
*القوات المسلحه the armed forces
* الأمه العربيه the Arab Nation
* شهداء martyrs * لاجئون refugees
*ينتخب elect * انتخاب election
*دبابه tank * اسلحه weapons *صراع conflict
*الإستقرار stability
*مرحله الطفوله childhood* مرحله اللعبplayhood
*فحوصات طبيه medical check-ups
*يهمل neglect * اهمال negligence
*سلبى negative * ايجابى positive
* تنميه / تطور development *ينمى develop
*الشعور بالانتماء the sense of belonging
*جرائم الحرب war crimes *مجرم criminal
*مفاوضات negotiations* يتفاوض negotiate
*مصير / قدر fate / destiny
* تفرقه عنصريه racial discrimination
* كرم الضيافه hospitality * مضياف hospitable
*منحه دراسيه scholarship
*مستقبل باهر bright future
*يفخر ب take pride in/ (be) proud of
*مبادئ principles * حريه freedom / liberty
*يزيد الانتاج increase production
* مجتمع منتج a productive society
* تدهور deterioration *يتدهور deteriorate
*الأزمه الاقتصاديه the economic crisis
able ability
ambitious ambition
agricultural agriculture
angry anger
anxious anxiety
absent absence
brave bravery
beautiful beauty
careful carefulness
careless carelessness
clear clarity
courageous courage
clever cleverness
difficult difficulty
deadly death
dangerous danger
doubtful doubt
dark darkness
different difference
distant distance
delighted / delightful delight
dusty dust
enthusiastic enthusiasm
eager eagerness
easy easiness
famous fame
generous generosity
healthy health
honest honesty
hungry hunger
idle idleness
ill illness
innocent innocence
jealous jealousy
long length
lucky luck
medical medicine
mysterious mystery
necessary necessity
obedient obedience
painful pain
peaceful peace
poor poverty
proud pride
poisonous poison
rainy rain
sad sadness
scientific science
spiritual spirit
ugly ugliness
united unity
worried worry
wealthy wealth
اهم تصريفات الافعال
Arise arose arisen
Beat beat beaten
Become became become
Bite bit bitten
Break broke broken
Blow blew blown
Bring brought brought
Build built built
Burn burnt burnt
Buy bought bought
Catch caught caught
Choose chose chosen
Deal dealt dealt
Do did done
Draw drew drawn
Dig dug dug
Dream dreamt / dreamed dreamt/ dreamed
Drink drank drunk
Drive drove driven
Eat ate eaten
Find found found
Fall fell fallen
Feel felt felt
Feed fed fed
Fight fought fought
Fly flew flown
Forgive forgave forgiven
Get got got
Give gave given
Grow grew gwn
Hear heard heard
Hide hid hidden
Hold held held
Keep kept kept
Know knew known
Lay laid laid
Lie lay lain
Lead led led
Leave left left
Learn learnt /learned learnt / learned
Lend lent lent
Light lit / lighted lit / lighted
Lose lost lost
Make made made
Mean meant meant
Meet met met
Pay paid paid
Ride rode ridden
Ring rang rung
Rise rose risen
See saw seen
Seek sought sought
Sell sold sold
Send sent sent
Shake shook shaken
Shoot shot shot
Show showed shown
Sing sang sung
Sink sank sunk
Shrink shrank shrunk
Sit sat sat
Sleep slept slept
Smell smelt / smelled smelt / smelled
Speak spoke spoken
Smell smelt smelt
Spell spelt / spelled spelt / spelled
Spill spilt /spilled spilt / spilled
Spoil spoilt /spoiled spoilt / spoiled
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
stick stuck stuck
sting stung stung
strike struck struck
sweep swept swept
swear swore sworn
swim swam swum
take took taken
teach taught taught
tear tore torn
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
understand understood understood
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
weave wove woven
weep wept wept
win won won
withdraw withdrew withdrawn
write wrote written
اسهل تصريفات افعال لان كله واحد
broadcast cost cut
forecast hit hurt
let put set
spread shut read
burst fit quit
:bball: :cheers: