فرسان القلعة التعليمية الشاملة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

فرسان القلعة التعليمية الشاملة

أهم الأخبار بالعربية والانجليزية ☞ اسلاميات ☞ لغات ☞ مراجعات نهائية ☞ مناهج مصرية وسعودية ☞ ملازم ☞ ابحاث وموضوعات تعبير ☞ معاجم وكتب ☞ توقعات ليلة الامتحان ☞ اخبار التعليم ☞ صور وبرامج ☞ كن أحد فرسان القلعة ☞
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
ختم الله شهركم بالرحمة والغفران والعتق من النيران، وتقبل الله صيامكم وقيامكم وصالح أعمالكم، وجعلنا وإياكم من عتقائه من النار. وكل عام و انتم بخير. تقبل الله طاعاتكم جميعاً.

نتائج البحث
Rechercher بحث متقدم
المواضيع الأخيرة
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سحابة الكلمات الدلالية
انجليزي اولى اللغة الصف الثانوى الانجليزية دفتر كلمات اسئلة الاعدادى ثانوى كتاب الثالث للصف الرياضه عميل موضوع الطعام الاول البراجراف تحضير كيفيه انجليزى الرياضة برجراف sport
المواضيع الأكثر شعبية
براجراف عن الطعام الصحى Healthy food
تعبير بالانجليزية عن اهمية الاعلانات
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ما معنى شاهت الوجوه وما أصل الكلمة ؟
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أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا المنتدى
اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_rcap1اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Voting_barاسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_lcap 
اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_rcap1اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Voting_barاسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_lcap 
اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_rcap1اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Voting_barاسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_lcap 
اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_rcap1اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Voting_barاسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_lcap 
همس الندى - 1510
اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_rcap1اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Voting_barاسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_lcap 
اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_rcap1اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Voting_barاسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_lcap 
لغير الله لن نركع - 1282
اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_rcap1اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Voting_barاسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_lcap 
افتخر بنقابى - 1083
اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_rcap1اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Voting_barاسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_lcap 
ضوء القمر - 737
اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_rcap1اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Voting_barاسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_lcap 
اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_rcap1اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Voting_barاسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Vote_lcap 
أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا الشهر
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 اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب

الديانة الديانة : مسلم بفضل الله تعالى
الجنسية الجنسية : مصرى بفضل الله
عدد المساهمات : 1470
المهنة المهنة : لا حياة بدون عمــــل .. ولا عمل بدون أمــــل !!
نقاط : 1087951
السمعة : 30
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2010
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : مسلم عمله وقوله متوازيان
المزاج المزاج : حازم ثابت صارم حنون رحيم كريم

اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions   اسئلة المتقدم للوظيفة لصاحب العمل حتى لا تكون سلبيا خلال الانترفيو Candidate Interview Questions Empty2010-05-27, 12:37 am

Human resource professionals: ^
Are you ready to answer the following questions?

•What can you tell me about the position?
•What type of person you are seeking?
•What can you tell me more about the department?
•Who is the manager I would be working for and what is their management style?
•May I have a copy of the written job description?
•What would a typical working day be in this position?
•How would you describe your company culture?
•What is your companys mission statement?
•Why is this position open?
•Is this job opening due to growth or replacement? (if replacement) What happened to the previous person in the position?
•How much does the position pay?
•What is the compensation range for this position?
•What benefits are provided to your employees?
•Do you have a tuition reimbursement plan?
•Do you have an employee stock purchase plan? Do you participate?
•What is the typical career path for this position?
•What type of internal and external training do you provide?
•How are performance appraisals conducted within your organization?
•How are promotions evaluated within your organization?
•What is your organizations commitment to diversity?
•How diverse is your executive management team?
•What is your retention rate within the company? Within the hiring department?
•Has your company had any layoffs in the past two years? What was the criteria for deciding who would be laid off? Do you foresee any additional layoffs in the near future?
•What is the next step for consideration?
•When will you be making a decision on this position?
Hiring Managers: ^
Are you ready to answer the following questions?

•What are the most important skills and attributes you are looking for in filling this position?
•What would be a typical working day for this position?
•How many hours of work per week would be required to be successful?
•What is the organization structure of your department?
•How would you describe your company culture?
•What are your organizational values? How do these values influence your decision-making?
•What is your vision for your department over the next two to three years?
•What major challenges are you currently facing as a manager?
•What is your competitive advantage in the marketplace?
•What makes your company better than your competitors?
•What are the areas where your competitors are better than your company?
•Who do you consider your customers to be?
•What is your value proposition to your customers?
•What business problems keep you awake at night?
•Can you tell me more about the other people in the organization I would be working with? Can I meet with any of them before accepting an offer of employment?
•What would you consider to be exceptional performance from someone performing in this position in the first 90 days?
•What is the internal perception of pursuing further education, such as a Masters degree?
•What is your management style?
•How do you typically make decisions?
•What is your preferred method of communicating with your team?
•How are you measured as a manager?
•What can I do to make you successful?
•How long have you been with the organization?
•What has been your career path within the organization?
•What will be the measurements of my success in this position?
•Do you have an employee stock purchase plan? Do you participate?
•Who are the primary constituencies that you are responsible to support? Shareholders? Customers? Employees? How do you make decisions which conflict with the needs of these different constituencies?
•How does the pressure of Wall Street expectations affect the short-term decision making among managers?
•What are the organizational goals?
•What are the metrics used to measure whether or not you are achieving your goals?
•How far out into the future is the organization planning?
•Do you have strategic planning within your organization? How often is it done? Who participates? What is the typical planning time horizon?
•How are new strategic initiatives communicated to the organization?
•Is your department considered to be a profit center or cost center? What are the financial expectations of the department?
•Do you have control over your own budget? How is the initial budget amount determined?
•Are budgets made at a centralized location, then rolled down, or decentralized, then rolled up?
•What is your approach with regard to the use of technology?
•Is there anyone within your organization who is considered to be a thought leader within the industry? What is it about that person that makes him/her a thought leader?
•What is the next step in the interviewing process?
Headhunters/third-party recruiters: ^
Are you ready to answer the following questions?

•Where did you get my name?
•What is the name of the employer?
•Who is the hiring manager?
•Are you working with HR or directly with the hiring manager?
•How are you involved in the hiring process?
•Are you working on a retainer or contingency?
•What will be the interviewing process?
•Why is this job open?
•Is this job opening due to growth or replacement?
•If this is a replacement, what happened to the previous person in the position?
•How much does the job pay?
•Are there any additional pay components beyond salary?
•Are you working on this exclusively or are other firms working on it as well?
•Have you ever placed candidates with this client before?
•Where is the job located?
•Is this at the company headquarters/corporate office?
•Is the company profitable?
•Have they laid off any employees in the last year?
•How would you describe the company culture?
•What is the background of the person I will be interviewing with?
•What is the interviewing style of the person I will be interviewing with?
•Who has final hiring decision authority?
•What will you do with my resume?
•Will my resume be given out to any other client without my permission?
Peer-level Interviews: ^
Are you (or one of the peers you have assigned to the interview) ready to answer the following candidate questions?

•Why did you decide to join this company?
•Were your expectations initially met?
•Have your expectations changed over time?
•Do you consider your company to be the ideal employer? (yes) Why? (no) Why not?
•Do you enjoy working here? (yes) Why? (no) Why not?
•Have you ever considered leaving the organization? (yes) Why did you decided to stay?
•Tell me about a typical working day for you.
•How many hours a day do you typically work?
•Do you work weekends? How many and how many hours typically?
•How much travel is involved in your job?
•What is your honest opinion of your manager?
•Is the employer truly committed to diversity? Can you give me any specific examples?
•What do you consider to be your company's greatest strengths and weaknesses?
•Do you have an employee stock purchase plan? What are the details? Do you participate?
•Does the company support you in training? How specifically?
•How much has been spent on training you in the past year?
•What do you know now that you wish you knew before you started in your position?
Candidate Questions: ^
Does an interview consist only of the interviewer asking questions? No! You will have an opportunity to ask questions. Make sure they are good ones.

Following is a list of the Top Five Questions to ask in each type of interview:

Human Resources (HR):

•Can you tell me more about the position and the type of person you are seeking?
•Tell me about an employee in your organization who is considered to be an outstanding employee. What makes that person special?
•What would you consider to be exceptional performance from someone performing in this position in the first 90 days?
•How does my background compare with others you have interviewed?
•I feel my background and experience are a good fit for this position and I am very interested. What is the next step?
Peer Interview:

•Why did you decide to join this company?
•What were your intial expectations? Were they met?
•How have your expectations changed over time?
•What do you consider your company's strengths and weaknesses?
•What can you tell me about working for your manager?
Hiring Manager Interview:

•Can you tell me more about the position and the type of person you are seeking?
•What are the measurements for success within your organization?
•How are you measured as a manager?
•What can I do to make you successful?
•What will be the measurements of my success in this position?
•I feel my background and experience are a good fit for this position and I am very interested. I am ready to consider your best offer!
OK, that last one isn't a question. But if you haven't said it yet, you better say it at the end of the interview!

Are there any questions you would like to suggest for adding to this list? If so, please send them to our attention
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