فرسان القلعة التعليمية الشاملة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

فرسان القلعة التعليمية الشاملة

أهم الأخبار بالعربية والانجليزية ☞ اسلاميات ☞ لغات ☞ مراجعات نهائية ☞ مناهج مصرية وسعودية ☞ ملازم ☞ ابحاث وموضوعات تعبير ☞ معاجم وكتب ☞ توقعات ليلة الامتحان ☞ اخبار التعليم ☞ صور وبرامج ☞ كن أحد فرسان القلعة ☞
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
ختم الله شهركم بالرحمة والغفران والعتق من النيران، وتقبل الله صيامكم وقيامكم وصالح أعمالكم، وجعلنا وإياكم من عتقائه من النار. وكل عام و انتم بخير. تقبل الله طاعاتكم جميعاً.

نتائج البحث
Rechercher بحث متقدم
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سحابة الكلمات الدلالية
البراجراف عميل اولى الاول تحضير كتاب اسئلة الصف الثالث الثانوى اللغة الرياضه ثانوى الانجليزية موضوع انجليزي انجليزى sport دفتر الاعدادى الطعام كلمات للصف الرياضة كيفيه برجراف
المواضيع الأكثر شعبية
براجراف عن الطعام الصحى Healthy food
تعبير بالانجليزية عن اهمية الاعلانات
First Impression الانطباع الاول
ما معنى شاهت الوجوه وما أصل الكلمة ؟
ازاى تكتب برجراف يطريقة بسيطة +جمل جامدة تنفع لأى برجراف "متجدد
300 سؤال وجواب معلومات عامه
برجراف عن الموبايل ( الجوال / المحمول ) The Mobile phone is a mixed blessing
جمل وتعبيرات لغوية تصلح لموضوعات نافعةParagraphs الى ا/اسماء
مجموعة من الجمل الرائعة فى الترجمة من الانجليزية الى العربية والعكس !•l█l•••
حكم و امثال بالانجليزي مترجمه بالعربي الحقو لايفوتكم
المواضيع الأكثر نشاطاً
حصريا اقوي قاموس ناطق علي الاطلاق Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 3rd Edition
برنامج الشيخ حازم صلاح ابو اسماعيل الانتخابى الرئاسى2012 + السيرة الذاتية + ماذا قالوا عنه + مواد دعائية
متابعة لتظاهرات النصارى احتجاجا على ما يدعونه هدم كنيسة المريناب .. وعشرات القتلى والمصابيين
متابعة لاحداث جمعة استرداد الثورة و30/9/2011كل مستجدات الاحداث (( متجدد ان شاء الله تابعونا ))
عمليات مسلحة على إسرائيليين بالقرب من الحدود المصرية الإسرائيلية
عاجل : اعتصام وزارة الدفاع هل يكون بداية الثورة الحقيقية " بالصور والفيديوهات " ؟ 28 / 4 / 2012
لأول مرة بالمنتديات : قاموس اكسفورد The Oxford English - Arabic Dictionary
متابعة لأخبار مليونية المطلب الواحد 18 نوفمبر 2011
اهم الاخبار والمتابعات لاحداث يوم 25-1-2012 وما يتعلق به من احداث ومستجدات
بالصـور : ساويرس بيهزر ؛؛؛ و إحــنا معــااااااااه ؛؛؛ إحنا كمان بنهزر يا ساويرس
أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا المنتدى
انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_rcap1انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Voting_barانجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_lcap 
انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_rcap1انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Voting_barانجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_lcap 
انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_rcap1انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Voting_barانجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_lcap 
انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_rcap1انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Voting_barانجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_lcap 
همس الندى - 1510
انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_rcap1انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Voting_barانجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_lcap 
انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_rcap1انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Voting_barانجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_lcap 
لغير الله لن نركع - 1282
انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_rcap1انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Voting_barانجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_lcap 
افتخر بنقابى - 1083
انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_rcap1انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Voting_barانجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_lcap 
ضوء القمر - 737
انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_rcap1انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Voting_barانجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_lcap 
انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_rcap1انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Voting_barانجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Vote_lcap 
أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا الشهر
لا يوجد مستخدم
welcome to my paradise


 منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب

الديانة الديانة : مسلم بفضل الله تعالى
الجنسية الجنسية : مصرى بفضل الله
عدد المساهمات : 1470
المهنة المهنة : لا حياة بدون عمــــل .. ولا عمل بدون أمــــل !!
نقاط : 1087951
السمعة : 30
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2010
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : مسلم عمله وقوله متوازيان
المزاج المزاج : حازم ثابت صارم حنون رحيم كريم

انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد   انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty2011-03-20, 7:11 pm

Unit 10: A visitor to Egypt

Meaning Word Meaning Word
زبون customer طلب request
ضوضاء/مزعج noise/noisy أمر instruction
مهندس engineer أرضية floor
غلطة mistake دهان paint
اتجاه direction خان الخليلى Khan El-Khalili
معدات equipment مكان تاريخى historic place
ملحوظات notes سجادة carpet
فى الوقت المناسب in time توابل spices
مثلث/مثلثى الشكل triangle/triangular هدايا تذكارية souvenirs
خاص special ازدحام/مزدحم crowd/crowded
داخل inside فنان/فنى artist/artistic
غريب strange دعوة invitation
صناعة السياحة tourist industry طبيب أسنان dentist
مثل such as ذهب gold
والدين parents موضوع/فاعل/مادة دراسية subject
معمل الحاسب الالى computer lab تاريخ history
ملك king مقهى cafe
مقبرة tomb عاصمة capital
منطقة/مساحة area التسوق shopping

Past participle Past Meaning Present
arranged arranged يرتب – ينظم arrange
waited (for) waited (for) ينتظر wait (for)
repaired repaired يصلح repair
changed changed يغير – يتغير change
relaxed relaxed يسترخى relax
invited invited يدعو invite
painted painted يرسم بالزيت – يدهن paint
lasted lasted يستمر last
wished wished يأمل wish
e-mailed e-mailed يرسل بريد اليكترونى e-mail
crowded crowded يزدحم crowd
sounded sounded يبدو sound
lit lit يشعل light
mistaken mistook يخطأ mistake
bent bent ينحنى bend
realized realized يدرك realize
Language Notes
1- present/prize/souvenir
• هدية (تعطى على سبيل المودة) present • جائزة (تمنح بعد منافسة أو مسابقة) prize
• هدية تذكارية (تذكر الشخص بمكان زيارته) souvenir
• My father gave me a ……………………………. in my birthday.
• The tourist bought a toy camel as a …………………….. to his visit to Khan El- Khalili.
• He won a ………............... because he came first in the race.
• Dr Ahmed Zwail got the Noble ………………… .
2- listen (to)/hear
• ينصت (بقصد) listen to • يسمع (عن غير قصد) hear
• I ………………………….. to the news on TV at 10 o’clock.
• Did you …………………………what he had said?
• Raise your voice. I can’t ……………………... you.
• …………….. to your teacher carefully to understand the lesson.
3- sound
1 يبدو sound (v) 2 صوت غير أدمى sound (noun) 3 سليم – صحيح sound (adj.)
• He practises sports, so he has a sound body. ( )
• I can hear the ---------- of a cat. ( )
• It sounds difficult to answer that sum. ( )
• She sounds nice. ( )
4- floor/earth
• أرضية حجرة أو منزل floor • الكرة الأرضية the earth
• The …………………. turns round the sun.
• The …………………. is nearly round.
• Please, sweep the ……………….. .
• Don’t throw rubbish in the ………………., please.
4- historical/historic
• تاريخى (يدرس التاريخ وليس له علاقة به) historical
Historical (records – research – information – novel – film – figure – impact–moments)
• تاريخى (له علاقة بالتاريخ) historic
Historic (places – sites - victory – event – date)
الكلام غير المباشر Reported Speech
هو الكلام الذى لا يصدر على لسان قائله وإنما يحول إلى الأخريين عن طريق شخص آخر.
الأوامر غير المباشرة 1- Reported instructions
• نستخدم الجملة الامرية المباشرة لأخبار الناس عما يجب ان يفعلونه أو لا يفعلونه.
• تبدأ الجملة الامرية المباشرة أما بفعل فى المصدر أو Don’t ويليها المصدر.
خطوات التحويل:
1- نبدأ بالفاعل قائل العبارة ونجده خارج الأقواس.
2- فعل القول يكون فى الأمر ((told/ordered/warned ونراعى تحويل said to الى هذه الأفعال.
3- نحذف الأقواس ونربط بكلمة (to) فى الجملة المثبتة و (not to) فى الجملة المنفية ب .don’t
4- فعل الجملة يكون مصدرا بعد to.
5- نراعى تغير الضمائر حسب المتكلم والمخاطب.
1- "Clean the shoes, Ahmed." Father said.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
2- "Don’t forget your pen again." The teacher said to me.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
3- The teacher said, "Don’t speak loudly, Ali."
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
4- "Do your homework, children." Mother said.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
والطلب والنصيحة 2- Reported request and advice
خطوات التحويل:
1- نبدأ بالفاعل قائل العبارة ونجده خارج الأقواس.
2- فعل القول فى الطلب (asked/begged)، فى النصيحة (advised) ونراعى تحويل said to الى هذه الافعال.
3- نحذف الأقواس ونربط بكلمة (to) فى الجملة المثبتة و (not to) فى الجملة المنفية ب .don’t
4- فعل الجملة يكون مصدرا بعد to.
5- نراعى تغير الضمائر حسب المتكلم والمخاطب.
6- تحذف كلمة please إن وجدت.
1- "Lend me your CD, please Hany." said Nabil.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
2- "Wait, Salma." said Ahmed.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
3- "Clean the floor when you finish, Soha." asked mother.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
3- "Don’t watch too much TV." He said to me.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
4- "You shouldn’t make noise in the library." The teacher said to us.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
5- Father said to us "You should study hard for the exam."
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
الجملة الاستفهامية 3- Reported questions
خطوات التحويل:
1- نبدأ بالفاعل قائل العبارة ونجده خارج الأقواس.
2- فعل القول ونراعى أن (wanted to know/inquired/wondered) تستخدم عند عدم وجود مفعول بالجملة، أما إذا كان هناك مفعول نستخدم asked وبذلك تتحول say to إلى asked.
3- نحذف الأقواس ونربط بكلمة (if/whether) إذا بدأ السؤال بفعل مساعد، أما إذا بدأ بأداة استفهام نستخدم نفس
أداة الاستفهام كأداة ربط.
4- تحول أفعال الجملة إلى الماضى.
5- نراعى تغير الضمائر حسب المتكلم والمخاطب.
6- يتحول السؤال إلى جملة خبرية فنراعى:
أ: أن نبدأ بالفاعل قبل الفعل. ب: حذف أداة الاستفهام واستخدام نقطة.
1- " Are you staying long, Nabil?" asked Salwa.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
2- "Did you do your homework, children? asked mother.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
3- The man said to me, "Have you ever been to Cairo?"
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
4- "Do you like orange juice, Mona?" said Noha.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
5- "When do you go to the library?" the teacher asked Ali.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
6- "Where did you travel?" he asked her.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
7- "How long have you been to USA?" he asked me.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
8- "What are you doing, Samira?" she said.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
9- "How often do you go to the cinema, Salim?" said Tamer.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
10- "Why will you move to Qena?" Kamal said to me.
• …………………………………………………………………………………………….
Language Functions
الدعوة Invitation
A: Formal invitation:
1- I’d like to invite you to ………...
2- Would you like to ………...........?
B: Informal invitation:
1- What about + v-ing …..?
2- How about + v-ing …....?
3- Do you want to + infinitive …….?
قبول الدعوة Accepting
1- I’d be pleased to come.
2- I’d love to.
3- Love to.
رفض الدعوة Refusing
1- I’d love to, but ……….
2- I wish I could, but I have to …..
3- I'm afraid I can’t. I have to ……
4- Thanks for asking me, but ……..
نقدم مع الرفض عذر مناسب للاعتذار

1) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1- Tourists come to Egypt to visit (geographic- historic – historical – new) buildings.
2- The meat I ate smelt of (gold – invitation – souvenir – spice).
3- The game (last – to last – the last – lasted) 80 minutes.
4- The mother’ only (wish – wishful – wished – wishing) is to see her absent son before she dies.
5- I asked him (he was – was he – if he was – that he was) sure, and he said he was.
6- Her father told her (don’t invite – didn’t invite – not to invite – never invite) so many friends and she apologized.
7- They studied art to become (artful – artless – artistic – artist).
8- The accident happened in a very (crowded – heavy – light – rushed) street.
9- Samy asked Amir (who – that – to – if) he was ready for the trip.
10- Maher asked where Tamer (spend – spending – spent – has spent) the summer holiday.
11- I am going to reply (on – to – with – for) his invitation by e-mail.
12- It’s been great (meet – met – meets – meeting) such a famous man.
13- Wait (to – in – for – with) me, please. I won’t be long.
14- The teacher was angry with the boys who (did – made – kept – had) noise in clmind.
15- Mona asked her sister (that – if – who – to) sweep the floor.

2) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Their mother said to them, "Where have you been that long?" (where they)
2- I said to my brother, "Don’t forget that they are right to worry".
3- "Give your left – overs to the poor." said the man to his rich neighbour." (advised)
4- We are very happy about travelling to Syria after the exams. (look forward)
5- I am going to answer his letter now. (reply)
6- He asked me if I was ready for the trip. (Are)
7- A few tourists visit the pyramids of Dahshur. (many)
8- Remember to do the shopping. (Don’t)

3) Read and correct the underlined words:
1- The headmaster said the students to come on time.
2- I asked Mona how old was she.
3- The opposite of cold is cool.
4- A baker is someone who buys goods from a shop or company.
5- Ramy asked Salma that she was free on Saturday.
6- It’s been great take part in the new project.
7- My teacher asked me to be lazy.
4) Write what you would say in each of the following situations:

1- You politely refuse a friend’s invitation to the cinema, giving a reason.
2- Mum said to Mona, "Don’t be late again." You report that to your brother Ali.
3- You invite your nephew to your birthday party next Friday.
4- You accept your aunt’s invitation to the circus.
5- Father asked Heba, "why didn’t you do your homework?" report that to your brother.

5) Write a letter to your British friend Peter, who is living with his family in Cairo, inviting him to your birthday party:
Guiding points:
• Tell him where and when the party will be.
• Tell him who will attend.
• Give him an idea about what you are going to do during the party.
• Tell him to write back.
(Your name is Fahmy, and your address is: 666 Sabry Street, Heliopolis, Cairo)

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب

الديانة الديانة : مسلم بفضل الله تعالى
الجنسية الجنسية : مصرى بفضل الله
عدد المساهمات : 1470
المهنة المهنة : لا حياة بدون عمــــل .. ولا عمل بدون أمــــل !!
نقاط : 1087951
السمعة : 30
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2010
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : مسلم عمله وقوله متوازيان
المزاج المزاج : حازم ثابت صارم حنون رحيم كريم

انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد   انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty2011-03-20, 7:27 pm

Unit 11: A visitor to Egypt

Meaning Word Meaning Word
ضابط مراقبة حركة الطيران controller of an airport سر غامض mystery
قائد leader المشى أثناء النوم/ سائر أثناء النوم sleep walking/sleepwalker
رحلة جوية flight بحار sailor
بوصلة compmind كابتن captain
رسالة لاسلكية radio message على سطح السفينة أو الطائرة on board
بالضبط – بالتحديد exactly صحفى reporter
منطقة – مساحة area جاهز – مستعد ready
مفقود missing دم blood
مثلث بيرمودا the Bermuda Triangle طائرات البحث search planes
طيار pilot صور تلفزيونية television pictures
جزيرة island غواص diver
طيار تحت التمرين student pilot راكب – مسافر pmindenger
كنز treasure فنان artist

Past participle Past Meaning Present
set off set off يبدأ رحلة set off
appeared appeared يظهر appear
disappeared disappeared يختفى disappear
returned returned يعود return
reached reached يصل reach
flown over flew over يطير فوق fly over
searched for searched for يبحث عن search for
taken off took off تقلع take off
taken care of took care of يرعى take care of
solved solved يحل solve
got in touch with got in touch with يتواصل مع get in touch with
consisted of consisted of يتكون من consist of
radioed radioed يرسل لاسلكيا radio
sunk sank يغرق – يغوص sink
crashed into crashed into يصطدم ب crash into
communicated with communicated with يتواصل مع communicate with
continued continued يستمر continue
replied replied يرد - يجيب reply
Language Notes
• الفعل arrive يعنى يصل إلى وله حالتان:
1- فعل لازما لا يأخذ مفعولا.
2- فعل متعديا يأخذ مفعول وفى هذه الحالة يليه حرف الجر in إذا جاء بعده مكان كبير (بلد – مدينة)، وحرف الجر at
إذا جاء بعده مكان صغير (حفل – محطة – مطار).
• الفعل reach فعلا متعديا لمفعول وبدون حروف جر.
• When he ………… Rome, a lot of friends met.
• They …………….. in Damascus on Friday.
• We arrived ………….. the party early.
• He has just …………….. .
• By 5 o’clock a.m., we ……………… the city of London.
الجملة الخبريةغير المباشرة 1- Reported Statement
خطوات التحويل:
1- نبدأ بالفاعل قائل العبارة ونجده خارج الأقواس.
2- فعل القول ونراعى أن said تستخدم عند عدم وجود مفعول بالجملة، أما إذا كان هناك مفعول نستخدم told وبذلك
نراعى أن said to تتحول إلى told، ويمكن أن يكون فعل القول: reported – declared – announced …
3- نحذف الأقواس ونربط بكلمة that ويمكن حذفها.
4- تحول أفعال الجملة إلى الماضى.
5- نراعى تغير الضمائر حسب المتكلم والمخاطب.
1- "I phoned the police." he said to me.
• ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
2- "The plane is flying to Luxor." said the pilot.
• ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
3- "I visited grandpa every Friday." He said to me.
• ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
4- "We will begin our course next month." said Youssef.
• ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
5- "You can look any difficult word you don’t know in the dictionary." the teacher said to me.
• ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
6- "I’m coming home at six." said Nadia.
• ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
7- "Salma has been sleep walking." said Hesham.
• ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
أولا: تتحول هذه الكلمات عند التحويل إلى الكلام غير المباشر وهى:

then now
the following day tomorrow
the following next
the day before yesterday
that day today
that this
those these

ثانيا: لا يتحول زمن الفعل فى الجملة الغير مباشرة الاستفهامية والخبرية فى الحالات الاتيه:
1- إذا كان فعل القول مضارع: tell – says
2- إذا كانت الجملة حقيقة ثابتة.
3- إذا كان الكلام قيل من فترة وجيزة.
ثالثا: يمكن التحويل بالعكس من الكلام الغير مباشر إلى الكلام المباشر.
العبارات الوصفية 2- Relative clause
• مجموعة من الكلمات تحتوى على فعل وهما جزء من جملة تصف شىء ما أو شخص ما.
• تستخدم ضمائر الوصف relative pronouns الاتيه فى الجمل الوصفية:
(who – that – which – whom – whose – where – when)
1- تستخدم who – that فى وصف فاعل أو مفعول عاقل.
2- تستخدم whom فى وصف مفعول عاقل.
3- تستخدم which – that فى وصف فاعل أو مفعول غير عاقل.
4- تستخدم whose للملكية بدلا من ضمائر الملكية.
5- تستخدم where (which …. In) فى وصف المكان.
6- تستخدم when فى وصف الزمان.
1- This is the man ----------- invited me to play tennis.
2- July is the month ------------ we take our exams.
3- This is the man ----------- car was stolen.
4- This is the house ------------ I was born.
5- I read the newspaper --------- was on the table.
6- Mr Smith is my neighbour ------------ I meet every morning.
7- The laboratory is the place ------------- we do experiments at school.
8- Luxor is the city ------------------ I work in.
9- This the shop …………… I always buy sweets.
عند استخدام ضمائر الوصل فى سؤال re-write
1- يوضع الضمير بعد الموصوف مباشرا فإذا جاء الموصوف فى وسط الجملة يوضع الضمير بعده بدون تغيرات فى
الجملة، إما إذا جاء الموصوف فى أول الجملة يوضع الضمير بعده مع قلب الجملتين.
2- يحذف اى ضمير من الجملة الثانية يعود على الموصوف.
1- Soha was with a friend. Her sister was a very good artist. (whose)
2- We met Mr Jack. He teaches us English. (who)
3- Alaa lives in Tanta. She goes to university in Cairo. (who)
4- That man rescued my brother. (who)
5- Nadia was in the kitchen. The phone rang in the sitting room. (when)
6- Men from England went to America. They hoped to find gold there. (where)

1) Finish the following dialogue:
Eman is asking Aya about her favourite school subject.
Eman: What’s your favourite school subject, Aya?
Aya: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Eman: ………………………………………………………………………………………...?
Aya: I have been studying it for 5 years now.
Eman: Are you good at speaking it?
Aya: ………………….…… I usually practise it a lot with my family and friends. You know "practice makes perfect."

2) Read and match:

a- one hundred years. ( )
b- "I’m going to be late home". ( )
c- that he had found his lost bag. ( )
d- since she was ten. ( )
e- one thousand years. ( )
f- the place where the boats sank. ( ) 1- Nadia has been sleepwalking
2- Rescue ships hurried to
3- A century means
4- Huda said to me,
5- Hesham told Soha

3) Choose the correct answer:
1- Maha (said – asked – told – spoke) Salwa if she had written the report.
2- That’s the place (when – where – which – what) the police found the hidden treasure.
3- The pilot used a (compmind – colour – calculator – camera) to show him directions while flying.
4- Mona always walks to school because her house is (far – close – long – opposite) her school.
5- I think there is something wrong (in – on – with – at) our computer. It doesn’t work at all.
6- Can you tell me about the village (where – which – when – whose) you were born in?
7- My mother was angry when someone (saw – repaired – smashed – cleaned) our window.
8- My big brother always advises me (make – to make – not to make – don’t make) friends with bad people.
9- I (searched of – set off – consisted of – took off) three buildings.
10- If you face any problem, (look after – take down – get in touch with – set off) me at once.
11- He bought a villa (whose – where – which – who) cost him much money.
12- He found the car (that – who – whose – when) he lost last week.
13- This is our neighbour (whose – which – who – where) father is a doctor.

4) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Huda said to me, "I’m going to visit my uncle next week." (that)
2- Sally is very nice. I borrowed Sally’s pen." (whose)
3- Our school is made up of three building. (consists)
4- I bought the car. You had told me about it. (which)
5- We met the man. His car was damaged. (whose)
6- Aya is a pretty girl. She studies maths. (who)
7- Noha is my cousin. She has green eyes. (whose)

5- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- Aya told Ahmed that she has visited her friend the day before.
2- The airport chemist sent a message to flight 30.
3- A driver is someone who swims under water with breathing equipment.
4- That’s the boy who bicycle was lost yesterday.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب

الديانة الديانة : مسلم بفضل الله تعالى
الجنسية الجنسية : مصرى بفضل الله
عدد المساهمات : 1470
المهنة المهنة : لا حياة بدون عمــــل .. ولا عمل بدون أمــــل !!
نقاط : 1087951
السمعة : 30
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2010
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : مسلم عمله وقوله متوازيان
المزاج المزاج : حازم ثابت صارم حنون رحيم كريم

انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد   انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty2011-03-20, 7:29 pm

Unit 12: Different Lives

Meaning Word Meaning Word
زحمة المرور traffic jam متضايق annoyed
بالقرب nearby غاضب angry
هواء air محبط disappointed
صمت – هدوء silence منزعج upset
ضوضاء/ صاخب noise/noisy نزهة picnic
قذارة / قذر dirt/dirty ميناء port
مدرسة إعدادية middle school أقارب relatives
شعبى – محبوب popular أثاث (عفش) furniture
موضوع التعبير composition مساحة فارغة – فضاء space
وقت الفراغ free time مصمم ملابس clothes designer
مقال article تلوث pollution

Past participle Past Meaning Present
agreed agreed يوافق agree
disagreed disagreed يعارض disagree
baked baked يخبز bake
spent spent ينفق/يقضى spend
served served يخدم serve
tidied tidied يرتب tidy
polluted polluted يلوث pollute
الأسماء التى تعد والتى لا تعد 1- Countable and uncountable nouns
تنقسم الأسماء إلى:
1- أسماء تعد countable nouns وهى الأسماء التى لها جمع plural فى اللغة وتجمع بطرق الجمع المختلفة:
طرق جمع الأسماء
أ- بإضافة s إلى نهاية الاسم: car cars/door doors/book books
ب: بإضافة es إلى نهاية الاسم الذى ينتهى بالحروف الاتيه ((ss-o-x-ch-sh: box boxes/class clmindes
ج: بقلب أل y إلى ies إذا كان قبلها حرف ساكن: factory factories/story stories
د: قلب أل f / fe إلى ves: knife knives/shelf shelves
هـ: جمع شاذ: child children/man men/woman women/foot feet/tooth teeth

2- أسماء لا تعد uncountable nouns وهى أسماء ليس لها جمع فى اللغة وتعمل معاملة المفرد دائما:
oil – water – milk – sugar – salt – tea – coffee – peace – love – money – homework – space – furniture – information – music – noise – chocolate

3- أسماء تعد ولا تعد countable and uncountable nouns وهى أسماء تعد فى مواضع ولا تعد فى أخرى حسب
معناها: time – school – cake

تعبيرات الكمية 2- Expressions of quantity
أولا: تعبيرات بمعنى الكثير (a lot of – many – much)
1- تأتى a lot of (lots of) مع الأسماء التى تعد والتى لا تعد فى جملة مثبتة.
2- تأتى (many) مع الأسماء التى تعد فقط فى جملة منفية أو سؤال.
3- تأتى (much) مع الأسماء التى لا تعد فقط فى جملة منفية أو سؤال.

ثانيا: تعبيرات بمعنى القليل (a few – a little)
1- تأتى a few مع العدد
2- تأتى a little مع الكمية

ثالثا: (some – any)
1- تأتى some مع الأسماء التى تعد والتى لا تعد فى جملة مثبتة.
2- تأتى any مع الأسماء التى لا تعد والتى لا تعد فى جملة منفية أو سؤال.
توضع some فى السؤال فى حالتين:
أ: العرض offer: Would you like some tea?
ب: الطلب request: Could you lend me some money, please?

رابعا: too
تدخل too على many, much, few, little لتعطى زيادة شديدة أو نقصان شديد فى العدد أو الكمية.
Language functions
الرأي Opinion
عند إعطاء رأى نقول:
• I think ……….
• In my opinion …….
• I’d rather ……….
• ياتى بعد rather فعل فى المصدر وعند المقارنة توضع كلمة than فى وسط الجملة.
• ولكن إذا جاء بعد rather فاعل ثانى يكون الفعل بعده فى زمن الماضى البسيط.
الموافقة agree
للموافقة على رأى شخص نقول:
• Yes, I agree
• Yes, I think so
• Yes. That what I think.
المعارضة disagree
عند الاعتراض مع شخص فى الرأى نقول:
• I don’t agree.
• I disagree
• No, I don’t think so.
عند السؤال عن رأى شخص نقول:
• What do you think of ……..?
• Do you think …………?

1) Choose the correct answer:
1- I was prepared for the exam, so I wasn’t (cheerful – pleased – happy – upset).
2- Not everybody agrees. Some (accept – allow – disagree – remember) for good reasons.
3- There was traffic (movement – pmindage – jam – transport), so we were late for work.
4- The opposite of "better" is (less – worse – more – uglier).
5- In my (mind – opinion – sight – thought), more and more desert land should be reclaimed.
6- We’d rather (spent – spending – to spend – spend) the weekend in the zoo than in the park.
7- Sorry, I haven’t got (many – a lot – much – some) information about life in Italy.
8- We can’t accept your invitation. We have got (too much – a lot of – any – too little) free time today.
9- Salaw was (busy – free – late – annoyed) because Mona didn’t attend her wedding party.
10- He felt (cheerful – interested – hungry – disappointed) when he failed the final exams.
11- The opposite of "disappointed" is (hopeless – hopeful – honest – horrible).
12- I’m afraid I didn’t (make – get – do – keep) well in the job interview.
13- There were too (much – few – a lot of – many) people at the meeting and the hall was very crowded.
14- The test was very difficult, so (much – a lot of – a few – a little) students were able to pmind.
15- The information you have given to me (are – were – has been – have been) very useful.
16- She was very upset (from – with – in – about) the bad results of her son in the test.
17- We still had too (many – much – few – little) time before we left the station, so we weren’t in a hurry.
18- I can’t buy new shoes because I have got too (little – much – few – many) money.
19- Most books are made of (papers - paper – a paper – the papers).

2) Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Your clmindmate thinks that there is too much pollution in Cairo. You have the same opinion.
2- You can’t answer a friend’s invitation to the theatre.
3- Your big brother says that children should play all the time. You don’t agree.
4- You tell a friend what you think of the English language.
5- You ask your friend about his impression of yesterday’s match.

3) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- I don’t think so. (disagree)
2- I wondered about her silence on the subject. (silent)
3- He was annoyed as he lost his new watch. (so)
4- The news I heard was untrue. (true)
5- I think there are too many cars in our town. (opinion).
6- England has a good football team. Hazem has the same opinion. (agrees)
7- I’d prefer to relax now. (rather)

4) Read the following pmindage, then answer the questions:
Science has always played an important part in our life. It has increased our knowledge about everything around us. How? Every now and then, there are new inventions that help us find out secrets we didn’t use to know.
The compmind helps people who travel by sea, though the desert or by plane to know directions, north, south, east and west. The telescope has revealed the wideness and the beauty of the universe. We, now, know plants and stars that were unknown before. The microscope helps scientists and doctors see very tiny things such as bacteria. Recently,
Professor Ahmed Zwail has made a great discovery, the femto second, a very small portion of time. It will help a great deal in achieving advances in all fields of life.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- What’s the use of the compmind?
2- How has the telescope revealed the universe?
3- What’s the name of Professor Zwail’s discovery?
B) Choose the correct answer:
1- The underlined word, "it" refers to (the compmind – the telescope – science – the microscope).
2- The microscope helps us to see (people – plants – bacteria – planes).
3- The underlined word, "tiny" means (high – very big – very small – wide).

5) Read and correct the underlined words:
1- She didn’t real have a good day.
2- They are poor and have a few furniture.
3- My grandma died in the age of seventy.
4- They come from different country.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب

الديانة الديانة : مسلم بفضل الله تعالى
الجنسية الجنسية : مصرى بفضل الله
عدد المساهمات : 1470
المهنة المهنة : لا حياة بدون عمــــل .. ولا عمل بدون أمــــل !!
نقاط : 1087951
السمعة : 30
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2010
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : مسلم عمله وقوله متوازيان
المزاج المزاج : حازم ثابت صارم حنون رحيم كريم

انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد   انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty2011-03-20, 7:33 pm

b]Unit 13: Buying and Selling

Meaning Word Meaning Word
ناجح successful مفكرة diary
تاجر/تجارة trader/trade موعد appointment
قواعد- قوانين rules حفل زفاف wedding party
قرن century مركز تجارى shopping centre
بضائع goods بطل hero
قوافل caravans بالتأكيد definitely
حرير silk ترزى tailor
توابل spices من المحتمل probably
لغز puzzle سجاد carpets
لحم بقرى beef كمية quantity
صادرات exports ملعقة الشاى teaspoon
واردات imports مدير فندق hotel manager

Past participle Past Meaning Present
scored scored يحرز score
remembered remembered يتذكر remember
controlled controlled يتحكم control
traded traded يتاجر trade
bought/sold bought/sold يشترى/يبيع buy/sell
exported/imported exported/imported يصدر/يستورد export/import
belonged to belonged to يتبع belong to
Language Notes
• ترزى (للرجال) tailor • خياطة (للسيدات) dressmaker
late for/late with
• متأخر على موعد late for • متأخر فى تسليم طلبية late with
I must hurry. I am late for school.
The tailor told me that he would be late with my new shirt.
الاحتمالات 1- Future possibilities
هناك ثلاثة احتمالات للحدث فى المستقبل:
1- التأكد الايجابى: نستخدم will 2- التأكد السلبى: won’t 3 - احتمال: نستخدم may/might
• وجميعها يليها فعل فى المصدر. • may احتمالية اكبر من might
مقارنة الكميات 2- Comparing quantities

superlative comparative expression of quantity
the most
the most
the most more
more a lot of
the fewest
the least fewer
less a few
a little
• Noha is carrying 5 books, Leila is carrying four books and Heba is carrying three books.
• Noha is carrying ……………… books than Leila.
• Leila is carrying ……………… books than Heba.
• Heba is carrying ………………books than Leila.
• Leila is carrying ……………… books.
• Noha is carrying ………………Heba.
• Heba is carrying ………………books than Noha.
• Heba is carrying ……………… books.
• Leila is carrying ……………… books than Noha.
• Ahmed has got 20 pounds, Ali has got 30 pounds and Samy has got 10 pounds.
• Ahmed has got ……………… money than Ali.
• Ahmed has got ………………Money than Samy.
• Samy has ………………Money.
• Ali has got ……………… money than Samy.
• Ali has got ……………… money than Ahmed.
• Samy has got ……………… Money than Ahmed.
• Samy has……………… money Ali.
• Ali has ………………money.
3- belong to
هناك طريقتان للتعبير عن الملكية:
أولا: بوضع (’s) بعد الاسم أو (’) إذا كان الاسم جمع.
Kamal’s pen / boys’ school
ثانيا: اسم + اسم (noun + noun) خاصا لبيان أن شىء يتبع مكان
clothes shop/tea spoon/tea cup

1) Choose the correct answer:
1- Beef is a kind of (fish – meat – fruit – jam).
2- Amir has got (much – little – more – least) CDs than Amira.
3- Nowadays a few people go to the (florist’s - chemist’s - baker’s - tailor’s) to have new suits made.
4- We are going to (look – watch – notice – play) the match between Egypt and Cameroon on TV.
5- A (trainer – traveller – trader – translator) is someone whose job is buying and selling things.
6- Africa, Asia and Europe are (countries – continents – capitals – centres).
7- Mum (makes – has made – has been making – is making) some cakes at the moment.
8- Anew (girl - girl’s – girls - girls’) school has been built in our street.
9- Nada is going to marry, her (birthday – music – wedding – social) party is on Friday.
10- A (tailor – maker – dressmaker – manager) is someone who makes clothes for women.
11- The mother (collects – gives – leaves – gathers) the kids from school at two o’clock.
12- Nadia went to the (shopping’s centre – shopping centre – shoppings centre – shoppings’ centre) to get some food.
13- A- Whose new bike is this?
B- It’s (Samys - Samys’ - Samy’s – Samy).
14- A (card – carton – cmindette – cartoon) is a set of funny drawings.
15- The opposite of "blunt" is (silent – sharp – sick – smart).
16- I spent (less – little – few – many) money than you.
17- The city centre was (few – fewer – many – less) crowded than usual.
18- It is (cold – colder – coldest – the coldest) today than yesterday.
19- Travelling by train is (the most – many – fewer – more) expensive than by car.
20- It is (cheapest – cheaper – cheap – as cheap) to go by car than by train.
21- Your work isn’t very good. I’m sure you can do (good – better – best – the best).
22- Grandma is seriously ill and she’ got a/an (interview – meeting – appointment – speech) at the doctor’s this evening.
23- Egypt (shops – sells – buys – trades) with different countries, east and west.
24- Countries along river banks are (possibly – nearly – definitely – probably) agricultural.
25- They (were flying – are flying – have flown – would fly) to Denmark next Tuesday.
26- I’m quite sure he (will - won’t – may – might) attend the medical conference in Cairo today, he is in New York now.
27- We think he is one of (more – the more – the most – most) important figures in our history.
28- Pay (at – with – for – from) the goods you ordered, or you’ll get into trouble.
29- (Wheat – Rice – Beef – Spice) is used for making flour.

2) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- No other boy in our clmind is better than Maher. (the best)
2- Hmindan thinks tennis is boring. (opinion)
3- You can answer these questions easily. (It is …)
4- It is probable that she will leave for India next month.
5- It isn’t my book. It belongs to my brother. (brother’s)
6- Ahmed has already arranged to buy a new car next week. (buying)
7- It is possible that he will visit his aunt tomorrow. (may)
8- No boy has got more marks in English than Nader. (most)
9- Samira has got more stamps than Farida. (fewer)
10- Perhaps they will return from Aswan tomorrow. (may)
11- Ahmed has got more food than anyone else. (the most)
12- Huda has a smaller number of pens than Samia and Hala. (fewer)
13- Kareem has ten pieces of sweets. Islam has seven pieces of sweets. (more)
14- Don’t forget to bring the book of exercises, Noha. (remember)
15- The shop which sells clothes near our house is quite cheap. (The clothes)
16- Perhaps he is in his office now. (may)
17- It is probable that she will leave tomorrow. (might)
18- My uncle has decided to buy a new car. (will)
19- I am quite sure that he isn’t going to lend you the money you need. (won’t)

3) Read and correct the underlined words:
1- I will probable be home late this evening.
2- She might being in her office now.
3- We must hurry. We have a very few time left.
4- The trader said that he would be late for our order.
5- I can’t drink this tea, there’s too many sugar in it.
6- Our morning’s meal consists of cheese, eggs, bread and jam.
7- A carton is a funny drawing or set of drawings.
8- She was ill since last Monday.

4) Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Your sister wants to know what is meant by trading.
2- Your brother asks you whose camera you have borrowed.
3- You tell a friend that you have already arranged for a trip to the pyramids with some friends.
4- Your sister suggests going to the theatre during the weekend, but you suggest another place.
5- You ask a friend about his plan for the next new year holiday.
6- You ask your friend about the price of his shirt.
7- Your sister asks you who the new car in front of your house belongs to.
8- Your little brother wants to know what a tailor does.
9- You want to tell your brother that you aren’t quite sure if your new neighbour is a teacher or a doctor.

5- Write a paragraph of five sentences on: "Luxor"
Guiding points:
- Where is Luxor?
- What is Luxor famous for?
- Why do tourists visit Luxor?
- Where do they stay there?
- What places can they visit in Luxor?

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب

الديانة الديانة : مسلم بفضل الله تعالى
الجنسية الجنسية : مصرى بفضل الله
عدد المساهمات : 1470
المهنة المهنة : لا حياة بدون عمــــل .. ولا عمل بدون أمــــل !!
نقاط : 1087951
السمعة : 30
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2010
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : مسلم عمله وقوله متوازيان
المزاج المزاج : حازم ثابت صارم حنون رحيم كريم

انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد   انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty2011-03-20, 7:35 pm

Unit 14: More new projects

Meaning Word Meaning Word
واحة-واحات oasis/oases سلم متنقل ladder
مكعب cubic مصباح كهربى bulb
ضخ المياه pumping water أسلاك كهربية electric wires
استصلاح الأراضى reclaiming lands طاقة energy
النقل transport ممنوع الانتظار No Parking
خصب fertile ممنوع التدخين No Smoking
وقفة pause رفيق- زميل-شريك partner
بوابة gate زى موحد uniform
حكومة government مهندس زراعى agricultural engineer
مشروع ضخم huge project مزدحم crowded
بحيرة ضخمة enormous lake وادى valley
قناة رى خراسانية concrete irrigation canal محاصيل crops
صحراء desert منطقة - مساحة area

Past participle Past Meaning Present
saved saved يدخر – يوفر save
changed changed يغير- يتغير change
paid (for) paid (for) يدفع pay (for)
touched touched يلمس touch
turned on/turned off turned on/turned off يشغل/يطفأ turn on/turn off
parked parked يركن سيارة park
smoked smoked يدخن smoke
reclaimed reclaimed يستصلح reclaim
developed developed يطور develop
formed formed يشكل form
joined joined يربط join
pumped pumped يضخ pump
transported transported ينقل transport
irrigated/watered irrigated/watered يروى irrigate/water
planted/grown planted/grew يزرع plant/grow
الإرغام 1- Obligation
• تستخدم التعبيرات الاتيه لبيان الاضطرار والإرغام (must / have to (has to) ويليها فعل فى المصدر.
• I must (have to) take a taxi. I’m late.
• He must (has to) study hard for the exam tomorrow.
• النفى: ننفى هذه التعبيرات كالتالى (don’t have to /doesn’t have to/needn’t)
• I don’t have to hurry. It is still early for the meeting.
• Soha doesn’t have to worry about money as she is rich.
• وفى الماضى نستخدم had to
• I had to wear a coat. It was raining heavily.
• وفى المستقبل نستخدم will have to
• تستخدم للنهى والتحذير
• You mustn’t smoke here. It is a non smoking area.
• You mustn’t make noise in a library.
• يمكن استخدام التركيب اللغوى التالى كبديل ل (must/have to/has to) والعكس وهو:
It’s necessary to + infinitive

• It’s necessary to work hard. (must) (have to)
• It’s necessary for him to travel to Aswan because his father is very ill. (must) (has to)
• It isn’t necessary for Hend to come early. (doesn’t have to) (needn’t)
• وفى الماضى نستخدم It was necessary to + infinitive كبديل ل had to
• It was necessary to visit mu aunt yesterday. (had to)
• It wasn’t necessary for us to hurry, there was still much time. (didn’t have to)
المبنى للمجهول 2- pmindive voice
الجملة المبنية للمعلوم تتركب كالتالى:

فاعل + فعل + مفعول subject + verb + object

• وعند التحويل للمبنى للمجهول نقوم بالاتى:
1- نحذف الفاعل من أول الجملة ونضع مكانه المفعول.
2- نأتى ب verb to be ويختلف من زمن إلى آخر.
3- فعل الجملة يتحول إلى التصريف الثالث.
4- يمكن أن نأتى بالفاعل بعد by ويمكن الاستغناء عن هذه الخطوة عند عدم وجود ضرورة للفاعل.
5- نكمل الجملة.

• ويكون صيغة الفعل فى المبنى للمجهول مع الأزمنة كالتالى:
1- مضارع بسيط: (am-is-are) + pp
2- ماضى بسيط: was- were + pp
3- مضارع مستمر: am-is-are+ being + pp
4- ماضى مستمر: was-were + being + pp
5- مضارع تام بسيط: has-have + been + pp
6- ماضى تام بسيط: had + been + pp
7- المستقبل والأفعال الناقصة: will-shall-can + be + pp
1- the government built many new schools all over Egypt. (Many new schools)
2- She is reading a story in the library now. (A story ..)
3- the farmers haven’t planted the sugarcane yet. (The sugarcane)
4- I will need to buy another bag. (Another bag)
5- the house was being painted all the day yesterday. (They)

1) Choose the correct answer:
1- Lots of money (spends – is spending – is spent – are spent) on great projects.
2- You (must – should – needn’t – didn’t have to) borrow money anymore as you’ve got a lot.
3- Crops must be (fed – irrigated – drunk – paid) regularly.
4- Tourism helps Egypt (carelessly – enormously – lately – early).
5- He was seriously injured and we (has to – had to – should – must) take him to hospital.
6- She (must – have got – has got – should) to look after her family.
7- A canal was (built – bought – brought – irrigated) to take water from the river to the farms.
8- (Fertile – Desert – Infertile – Salty) land produces more and better crops.

2) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- I’ll need to iron a shirt. (will be)
2- Reclaiming desert land is expensive. (It is)
3- Perhaps the man was a stranger. (been)
4- Do you have to go now? (Must)

3) Read and correct the underlined words:
1- Water was been pumped to the farms.
2- Crops will be sold inside and out Egypt.
3- Thank you. I don’t want no sweets.
4- He answered all the question correct.
4) Finish the following dialogue:
A nurse is talking to a patient

Nurse: How are you today, Mr Adly?
Adly: I am not feeling well and my head aches.
Nurse: …………………………………………..?
Adly: Yes, I took it all, but …………………….
Nurse: Why …………………………? I told you before that food is as important as medicine, maybe more.
Adly: Ok, I’ll always have my meals on time.

5) Read and match:

a- expensive cloth to make clothes. ( )
b- spend less and save more. ( )
c- help you. ( )
d- something we put on the floor. ( )
e- people with cars or animals travelling together. ( )
f- because he was late. ( ) 1- Ramy had to take a taxi
2- I’m sorry I can’t
3- caravan is
4- Silk is
5- I advise you to

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب

الديانة الديانة : مسلم بفضل الله تعالى
الجنسية الجنسية : مصرى بفضل الله
عدد المساهمات : 1470
المهنة المهنة : لا حياة بدون عمــــل .. ولا عمل بدون أمــــل !!
نقاط : 1087951
السمعة : 30
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2010
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : مسلم عمله وقوله متوازيان
المزاج المزاج : حازم ثابت صارم حنون رحيم كريم

انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد   انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty2011-03-20, 7:37 pm

]left]Unit 15: I must have lost it

Meaning Word Meaning Word
مؤرخ historian رحلة عمل business trip
مقبرة tomb بالتأكيد definitely
نفس same فلفل pepper
عربة vehicle فى الواقع/حقا actually
قبائل من شمال أوربا the Vikings مسرور glad
هرم سقارة Saqqara Pyramid ممكن possible
التبغ tobacco رفيق – زميل – شريك partner
قرن century بالضبط exactly
عجلة wheel جامع collector
محيط ocean بركة/حمام pool
لحم بقرى beef بحيرة lake
قمة جبلية ice berg المصريون القدماء Ancient Egyptians
لا تغرق unsinkable صوف wool
مسافر/راكب pmindenger بحار sailor
مساحة فارغة/فضاء space مركب إنقاذ life boat
رسالة لاسلكية radio message طاقم سفينة أو طائرة crew
بندقية gun أمواج waves
فى مهمة عمل on business تيتانك Titanic

Past participle Past Meaning Present
sailed sailed يبحر sail
described described يصف describe
joined joined يربط join
arrived arrived يصل arrive
reclaimed reclaimed يستصلح reclaim
discovered discovered يكتشف discover
forgotten forgot ينسى forget
rung rang يرن ring
worried about worried about يقلق بشأن worry about
climbed up/down climbed up/down يصعد لأعلى/يهبط لأسفل climb up/down
covered covered يغطى cover
lost lost يخسر lose
fired fired يطلق النار fire
calmed calmed يهدئ calm
died died يموت die
crashed crashed يصطدم crash
set off set off يبدأ رحلة set off
disappeared disappeared يختفى disappear
Language Notes
1- (late – lately-later)
• متأخر late
• She was sorry because she came late.
• مؤخرا – حديثا lately
• He has bought a new car lately.
• فيما بعد later
• He went to the market. Later, he visited his uncle.
2- (remember – remind)
• يتذكر (من ذات نفسه) remember
• Ahmed remembered to send the letter.
• يذكر remind
• The secretary reminded me of the conference.
3- (trip – journey – voyage – flight)
رحلة جوية fight- رحلة بحرية voyage- رحلة برية طويلة journey- رحلة برية قصيرة trip
4- on
فى يوم ... on Saturday – on Monday / فى مهمة عمل on business/فى وقت العمل on duty
فى أجازة on holiday/ فى الوقت المحدد on time
الاستنتاج 1- Deduction

Deductions in the past Deductions in the present
must have + pp تأكد مثبت must + infinitive
can’t have + pp تأكد منفى can’t + infinitive
may have + pp احتمالية may + infinitive
might have + pp احتمالية ضعيفة might + infinitive

1- يمكن استخدام could have + pp للتعبير عن أشياء كان من الممكن حدوثها فى الماضى ولكنها لم تحدث.
• It was possible for him to travel abroad but he didn’t.
• He could have traveled abroad.
2- تستخدم couldn’t have +pp لبيان استحالة حدوث الشيء فى الماضى.
• It is impossible that he moved that big stone.
• He couldn’t have moved that big stone.
2- تستخدم (should) shouldn’t have + pp للتعبير عن نصيحة فى الماضى
• You should have studied hard for the exam.
• You shouldn’t have done that silly thing.
3- تستخدم must أيضا للتعبير عن الضرورة ونفيها don’t have to و doesn’t have to وماضيها had to
والضرورة فى المستقبل will have to.
4- تستخدم needn’t و don’t have to و doesn’t have to للتعبير عن عدم الضرورة.
الروابط Conjunctions
أولا: روابط الغرض
إذا كانت الجملة الثانية غرضا للأولى.
لكى to / in order to / so as to
• يأتي فى وسط الجملة (أو أولها) • يليه مصدر الفعل • تنفى بوضع not قبل to
• He would like to join the sports club so as to get fit.
لكى so that / in order that/in the hope that
• فى وسط الجملة •بعدها ضمير يعود على فاعل الجملة الثانية
• ونستخدم can / mayفى زمن المضارع اوالمستقبل أو الأمر و could / might فى زمن الماضى.
• He would like to join the sports club so that he can get fit.
• تحذف wanted to / wish to / hope to عند استخدام الروابط السابقة ونستخدمها مع روابط السبب.
• He would like to join the sports club because he wanted to get fit.
• He would like to join the sports club to (in order that he can) get fit.
بينما As – While
• تستخدم للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمرا فى الماضى وقطعه حدث آخر.
As (while) + past continuous + past simple
• As (While) Hala was studying, her friend phoned.
• تستخدم للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمرا فى الماضى وفى نفس الوقت كان هناك حدثا آخر مستمرا معه.
As (While) + past continuous + past continuous
• As (While) dad was reading, mum was cooking.
• يأتيان فى أول الجملة أو وسطها.
أثناء During
• تستخدم بدلا من while – as ولكن يأتي بعدها اسم
• He fell asleep during the film.
• During his stay in London, he met some old friends.


1) Choose the correct answer:
1- It was your fault. You (shouldn’t – must – should – might) have behaved that way.
2- You (don’t have – needn’t – mustn’t - can’t) to tell me. I’ve already known everything.
3- Thank God, no one was injured (when – at – while – during) the fire.
4- The crew sailed the (plane – train – rocket – ship) safely to the port.
5- He lost his way in the desert. He (can’t have forgotten – should have forgotten – must have forgotten – didn’t forget).
6- We’ll go out as soon as it stops (sailing – raining – feeling – meeting).
7- He took his umbrella (as – so that – while – during) he wouldn’t get wet in the rain.
8- The Titanic (fired – sank – sailed – swam) under the waves of the Atlantic.
9- He sent me a phone message (during – as – so that – when) I could meet him.
10- (Ships – Trains – Planes – Rockets) can travel into space.
11- There (must – might – should - can’t) have been anyone with no seat at the meeting with the president.
12- (Drinks – Cars – Lifeboats – Fishermen), on a ship, are necessary in time of danger.
13- The (pmindengers – crew – people – women) fired rockets as a message for help.
14- I think he (must be – should have been – must have been – shouldn’t have been) rude to his friends.
15- No one answered my call. My aunt (can’t – must – might – may) have been at home.
16- She bought a new Mercedes. She (must have paid – can’t have paid – must pay – can’t pay) a wealth for it.
17- This Ahmed’s pmindport. He (must have – can’t have – might have – had) travelled yet.
18- Fadi looks happy. He (didn’t pass – can’t have passed – must have passed – might have pminded)
his exams.
19- I am not sure, he (must have attended – can’t have attended – might attend – might have attended) the party yesterday.
20- He adds much (salt – pepper – paper – sugar) to his food to make it taste hot.

2) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He bought a camera to take photos of the journey. (so that)
2- She looked beautiful while she was attending the wedding party. (during)
3- I'm sure he wasn’t at home yesterday. (can’t)
4- It isn’t necessary to do all the work now. (needn’t)
5- I don’t think he traveled abroad. (might)
6- I don’t think he pminded the test. (have)
7- I think he wasn’t at school. (might)
8- Perhaps she wrote the report. (might)
9- I’m certain that Ali went to the cinema. (must)
10- I think I forgot my keys at home. (must)
11- I am sure dad didn’t go to work yesterday. (can’t)
12- I don’t think Salaw went shopping. (might)
13- I am almost sure they missed the train. (have)
13- It is certain Adel didn’t come back. (have)
14- It isn’t allowed to enter this office. (mustn’t)
15- Must you arrange everything for the journey? (Do)
16- I'm sure he did what was best for us. (must)

3) Read and correct the underlined words:
1- The crew of the ship sent a letter for help.
2- Columbus discovered Africa.
3- You needn’t disobey your parents.
4- She can’t have pminded the test. She is very happy.

4) Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You see a thief running in the street.
2- You are almost sure your father forgot his mobile phone somewhere.
3- Your friend didn’t help a friend in trouble. You advise him.
4- Students say Ali stole a calculator. You are quite sure he didn’t.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب

الديانة الديانة : مسلم بفضل الله تعالى
الجنسية الجنسية : مصرى بفضل الله
عدد المساهمات : 1470
المهنة المهنة : لا حياة بدون عمــــل .. ولا عمل بدون أمــــل !!
نقاط : 1087951
السمعة : 30
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2010
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : مسلم عمله وقوله متوازيان
المزاج المزاج : حازم ثابت صارم حنون رحيم كريم

انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد   انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty2011-03-20, 7:40 pm

Unit 16: The desert and the jungle: Part 1

Meaning Word Meaning Word
بمفرده alone صحراء desert
آثار أقدام footprints اكتشاف discovery
عالى loud شجرة النخيل palm tree
كثيف thick نوع من أنواع النخيل argun palm
تماما completely لوحة توضيحية wall chart
مخيف/خائف fearful غابة كثيفة jungle
بوذى/بوذية Buddhist/Buddhism مقبرة tomb
بضائع goods ارجوانى purple
موقع location تاجر trader
ميدان square كنز treasure
زراعة agriculture ثلث one third
مبتل wet مسافر/رحالة traveller
مرور traffic شائع common
واردات/صادرات imports/exports مصور photographer
مسلم Muslim بمحاذاة/على طول along
منطقة/مساحة area عاصمة capital
معبد temple شلال waterfall
قرى صيد fishing villages حريص careful
رطب humid/damp بصعوبة/قليل جدا hardly
ملئ بالأمل hopeful سكان population

Past participle Past Meaning Present
traded traded يتاجر trade
brought brought يحضر bring
worried worried يقلق worry
exported exported يصدر export
imported imported يستورد import
located located يقع/يحدد موقع locate
got dark got dark يظلم get dark
surprised surprised يفاجئ surprise
missed missed لم يلحق ب/يفقد miss
reported reported يبلغ عن report
set off set off يبدأ رحلة set off
shined shined يسطع / يلمع shine
Language Notes
1- hard/hardly
• صعب – بجد hard (adj.) • قليل جدا – بصعوبة hardly
• It’s a …….. work.
• He works ……….. to pmind his exams.
• There is ………. any water in the glmind.
• Raise your voice. I can ………. hear you.
2- Forest – jungle
• غابة forest – أدغال /أحراش • (غابات كثيفة) jungle
3- (discovery – invention)
• اكتشاف (الكشف عن شيء كان موجود من قبل) discovery
• اختراع (شيء لم يكن موجودا مثل الكومبيوتر) invention
4- (over – above – on)
• فوق (عموديا دون ملامسة) over
• He held the umbrella over his head.
• فوق مستوى سطح البحر above (above sea level)
• على (مع وجود تلامس مع الشئ ) on
On the table – wall – floor
5- (under – below)
• تحت (مسافة قريبة) under (under the table)
• تحت (مسافة بعيدة – مستوى البحر) below (below sea level)
6- (cold – cool)
بارد باعتدال cool – بارد cold
ليس فقط ... ولكن أيضا ... 1- not only … but … also
الحالة الاولى: يكون هناك فاعل واحد للجملة.
ا- إذا كان الفعل مساعد تتركب الجملة كالتالى:
Subject 1 + auxiliary verb + not only … but + subject 1 + auxiliary verb + also ..
• Abd El Wahab was a singer. He was a composer.
2- إذا لم يكن بالجملة فعل مساعد (زمن المضارع البسيط والماضى البسيط) تتركب الجملة كالتالى:
Subject 1 + (do – does – did) not only + infinitive … but + subject 1 + also + verb …
• Ali wrote a letter. He posted it.
• Ramy plays tennis. He writes poetry.
• They export crops. They import cars.
3- إذا كان بالجملة فعل مساعد وفعل رئيسى (كما فى الأزمنة المستمرة والتامة) والمستقبل تتركب الجملة كالتالى:
Subject 1 + auxiliary verb + not only + main verb … but + subject 1 + auxiliary verb + also + main verb
• Hoda will do the housework. She will study.
• Radaw has eaten fruit. She has drunk juice.
الحالة الثانية: إذا كان بالجملة فاعلان
Not only + subject 1 …, but also + subject 2 + verb
• Mona is a student. Samira is a student.
• He is a doctor. I am a doctor.
لاحظ الفعل فى هذه الحالة يتبع الفاعل الثانى.
2- verb + (to infinitive) or verb + (v – ing)
أولا: أفعال تأخذ بعدها to + infinitive
want – ask – invite – help – would like – would prefer – decide – used to – would rather

ثانيا: أفعال تأخذ بعدها (v – ing)
enjoy – avoid – imagine – fancy – like – love – prefer – regret – go – suggest – mind – look forward to – aspire to – be used to

ملحوظة: الصفات التى ياتى بعدها حرف جر نضع بعدها v- ing
interested in – good at – bad at – worried about – excited about – fond of
language Functions
التعبير عن المشاعر Expressing feelings

القلق worry الأمل hope الدهشة surprise الخوف Fear
1- I m rather worried about …
2- I m a bit concerned about …
اننى قلق بشدة على ...
1- I hope you get well soon.
أتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل.
2- I hope you find …
3- I hope you will be better soon.
أتمنى أن تشفى قريبا.
4- I hope you … 1- Good heavens!
يا الهى
2- What a (lovely) surprise!
يالها من مفاجئة 1- I m afraid of
2- I m terrified of
3- I m frightened of
اننى خائف من


1) Choose the correct answer:
1- I (bought – brought – sold – saw) the pictures I had taken at the party to show them to you.
2- She has (hard – hardly – quietly – recently) eaten anything all day.
3- The rising (agriculture – irrigation – population – education) doesn’t – help the government make life better.
4- Be (quite – quit – quiet – quietly), please. The baby is asleep.
5- What (amount – number – size – areas) shoes, sir? – 43.
6- He’s looking forward (to hear – to hearing – hear – hearing) from you.
7- Lamia didn’t only (brushed – brushes – brushing – brush) her teeth, but she also washed her dress.
8- (As soon as – During – By the time – While) cycling, he ran into a lorry.
9- The area of this city is one thousand (cubic – square – long – far) kilometers.
10- Dalia used (write – writing – to write – to writing) with a pencil when she was young.
11- I'm (hopeless – hopeful – fearful – worried) about him. He is going to be all right.
12- She said she (will – has – had – would) come to the party the next day.
13- (History – Maths – Geography – Science) deals with the earth, continents and countries.
14- The Red Sea is (on – to – in – at) the east of Egypt.
15- The country has a/an (location – production – area – population) of two million people.
16- He won’t only travel abroad, but he will (too – to – also – two) get married.
17- He is used to (do – doing – did – to doing) his homework in the evening.

2) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- First, he exercised, then he had a shower. (As soon as)
2- Sahar bought meat and cooked it. (not only)
3- I want very much to start my new project. (look forward to)
4- She was in the habit of wasting money but now she isn’t. (used to)
5- He travelled to Luxor and made a tour there. (not only)
6- I hope I will buy a new computer. (look forward to)
7- What a pity! I couldn’t go to the party. (wanted)
8- She almost never goes to the club. (hardly)
3) Read and correct the underlined words:

1- What is the location of Egypt? – More than 70,000,000 people.
2- I’d like going to the circus.
3- Did the police find any footprints on the wall.
4- Noha is used to stay up late.
5- Rawia told me she has made a mistake.
6- Bangkok is the capital of Malaysia.
7- He didn’t only came late, but he also forgot his books
8- A desert is a hot area with lots of trees and animals.

4) Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You visit a sick friend. Express hope.
2- Your brother hasn’t come back home yet. Express worry.
3- There’s a mad dog outside your house. Say how afraid you are.
4- "I enjoyed the party a lot." Report what Mona said.
5- Your dad is going to have an operation. Express worry.
6- You tell a friend you think you're going to win a prize. Express hope.
7- You meet a friend you haven’t met for a long time.
8- Your boss offers you a new job with more money.

5) Read the following, then answer the questions:
My name is Farid. I was born in Cairo and I live in Aswan. I am in a prep school. I will go to secondary school when I succeed this year. I'm very much interested in my study. I am pleased because I always get high marks in English. This will help me when I join the university because many interesting subjects are taught in English. Mr. Murad is our
teacher of English. He is still young, but he is a very clever teacher. All the pupils in the class like him very much. He helps us to understand our lessons well and to speak all the time in English in the clmind. I hope to join the faculty of Engineering after finishing secondary school, but I don't like to have a job in a government office.
I like to be free and have work of my own like my father and my cousin Ali. When my cousin Ali finished his studies at the university ten years ago, he started a small business. He opened a small supermarket in our street. Then, after two years, he opened another larger one. Three years ago, he opened the third one. All the family are proud of Ali and his success.
A) Answer the following questions :
1-Why doesn't Farid want to have a job in a government office
2- Which faculty does Farid want to join?
3- What makes Farid like his teacher of English very much?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4- Ali is Farid's .........................
a) teacher b) brother c) father d) cousin
5- Farid lives in .............................
a) Aswan b) Cairo c) Giza d) Luxor
6- Ali opened the third supermarket .......................years ago.
a) seven b) ten c) three d) two

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب

الديانة الديانة : مسلم بفضل الله تعالى
الجنسية الجنسية : مصرى بفضل الله
عدد المساهمات : 1470
المهنة المهنة : لا حياة بدون عمــــل .. ولا عمل بدون أمــــل !!
نقاط : 1087951
السمعة : 30
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2010
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : مسلم عمله وقوله متوازيان
المزاج المزاج : حازم ثابت صارم حنون رحيم كريم

انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد   انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty2011-03-20, 7:41 pm

Unit 17: The desert and the jungle: Part 2

Meaning Word Meaning Word
علم الأحياء/عالم أحياء biology/biologist نافذة العرض shop window
لحسن الحظ/لسوء الحظ fortunately/unfortunately محل الكترونيات electronic shop
واحة/واحات oasis/oases مشغل اسطوانات CD player
بالقرب nearby حكمة proverb
قرية village صمت silence
حشرة insect طين mud
مفقود lost امن safe
مجنون out of mind مريح/غير مريح comfortable/uncomfortable
إبصار sight بطارية torch
مدرس تربية رياضية sports teacher وميض flash
حقيبة case مذاق طيب good taste
بلوفر jumper مرآة mirror
التسوق shopping جميل pretty

Past participle Past Meaning Present
calmed down calmed down يهدئ calm down
minded minded يمانع mind
pointed to pointed to يشير إلى point to
appeared appeared يظهر appear
missed missed يفقد miss
died died يموت die
injured injured يصيب/يجرح injure
protected protected يحمى protect
pressed pressed يضغط على press
hurt hurt يصيب/يجرح hurt
woken woke يستيقظ wake
worn wore يرتدى wear

جدا لدرجة أن 1- so … that
Subject + verb + so + adjective or adverb + that + subject + verb
• She didn’t buy the mobile phone because it was very expensive.
• The questions are very hard, so I can t answer them.
• He ran very quickly and won the race.
جدا .... لدرجة أن 2- too + adj. + to
Subject + verb + too + adj. + to + inf.
• The mobile was too expensive to buy it.
التعبير عن السبب والنتيجة 3- expressing cause and result
• تستخدم because أمام السبب و so أمام النتيجة
• He couldn’t write because he had lost his pen.
• He had lost his pen so he couldn’t write.
4- either – neither
1- تستخدم فى نهاية جملة منفية مطابقة فى المعنى جملة منفية أخرى سابقة (عكس too التى تستخدم فى الإثبات)
• Ali khan t swim. I can’t swim, either.
2- جزء من الرابط (either … or) (أما ... أو)
تربط جملتين بهما احتمالين احدهما صحيحا، توضع either أمام احتمال و or أمام الآخر مع حذف التكرار.
• I will wash the dishes or I will sweep the floor.
1- تستخدم وحدها لنفى جملة ويأتى بعدها فعل مفرد.
• Neither boy has come.
• Neither of them is clever.
2- جزء من الرابط (neither … nor) (لا .... ولا) وهذا الرابط تتكون جملته كالتالى:
Subject + neither + affirmative verb 1 … nor + affirmative verb 2

1- إذا كان فعلا الجملة من الأفعال العادية فإنهما يأتيان بعد neither و nor.
She neither cooked nor cleaned the house.
2- إذا كان فعل الجملة من الأفعال المساعدة فانه ياتى قبل neither ولا يتكرر مع nor
He was neither tired nor hungry.
3- إذا كان فعل الجملة يتكون من فعل مساعد وفعل رئيسى مثل أفعال الأزمنة المستمرة والتامة والمستقبل فإننا نضع neither بينهما ولا يتكرر المساعد مع nor
Adel has neither played nor watched TV.
4- عند وجود فاعلان وفعل واحد نقدم neither أمام الفاعل الأول و nor أمام الثانى وفعل الجملة يتبع الفاعل الثانى.
Neither Ahmed nor Ali played tennis.
كلا من (both … and)
فاعل واحد • Samir both did his homework and ironed his shirts.
فاعلان • Both Hmindan and Samy are friends.
الضمائر المنعكسة 5- Relative pronouns
myself – himself – herself – yourself – itself
ourselves – themselves – yourselves – oneself
1- عندما يكون الفاعل هو المفعول
• They blamed themselves for the crash.
• She was herself in the mirror.
2- للتوكيد
• I saw him do it myself.
• I myself saw him do it.
3- عندما نقول أن الشخص قام بالعمل وحدة بدون مساعدة وتساوى فى المعنى:
(alone – on (someone s own) – without help)
• He did everything by himself.
• She travelled to Italy by herself.
ونضع by قبل الضمير المنعكس فى هذه الحالة.
4- مع بعض التعبيرات مثل:
Enjoy themselves – behave yourself/yourselves – make yourself/yourselves at home
help yourself/yourselves
لاحظ: لا تستخدم الضمائر المنعكسة بعد حروف جر المكان مثل ((near – in front of – next to

1) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Nada and her father:
Father: What are you doing Nada?
Nada: ………………………… (1) …………………. .
Father: ………………………. (2) ………………….?
Nada: To my pen friend Marry in England.
Father: What is her nationality?
Nada: …………………………. (3) ………………..

2) Choose the correct answer:
1- Martin went into the (season – tree – jungle – pool) to take a photo.
2- The tree is (as – so – very – too) high that he can’t climb it.
3- Pam was (happy – worried – pleased – delighted) about her absent husband.
4- As he was (drive – drove – driving – drives) fast, he hit an old man.
5- After mum had (seasoned – flashed – burnt – ate) the soup, it became tasty.
6- He (either – neither – that – so) checked the e-mail nor collected the children from school.
7- Do you (object – mind – refuse – decide) to lending me a camera, please?
8- She (used – is using – is used – uses) to cooking in the evening.

3) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Maha fed her little brother and took him to school. (not only)
2- Dad was very sick, so he didn’t go to work. (so ….. that)
3- Mary fell over. She was climbing up the stairs. (As)
4- He made up his mind to buy a car. (decided)

4) Read and correct the underlined words:
1- A desert is full of thick trees, plants and animals.
2- He fell up his bike and was injured.
3- Mona used to staying alone at home.
4- Ali not only has driven fast, but he has also hit a child.

5- Write a letter to your friend, Gorge who lives in London telling him you will go there to do postgraduate studies.
Guiding points:
- Start the letter.
- Ask how things are.
- tell him why you will go there.
- Ask him to find a house for you.
- Ask him to write back.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب
محـــ القلعة ـــــــــارب

الديانة الديانة : مسلم بفضل الله تعالى
الجنسية الجنسية : مصرى بفضل الله
عدد المساهمات : 1470
المهنة المهنة : لا حياة بدون عمــــل .. ولا عمل بدون أمــــل !!
نقاط : 1087951
السمعة : 30
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2010
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : مسلم عمله وقوله متوازيان
المزاج المزاج : حازم ثابت صارم حنون رحيم كريم

انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد   انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty2011-03-20, 7:43 pm

Unit 18: Getting ready for exams

Meaning Word Meaning Word
واثق من confident of امتحان exam
نتيجة result فيلم تاريخى historical film
طاقة energy مراجعة revision
حمام toilet جدول timetable
أخيرا finally راحة /فسحة break
متعلم learner تخطيط planning
رسم توضيحى diagram مفيد useful
من خلال through بدقة carefully
عقل mind مريح comfortable
قصيدة rhyme طعام صحى healthy diet
نشيط active مشروبات غازية fizzy drinks
درجات جيدة good marks قواعد/قوانين rules
مسترخى/مستريح relaxed عصبى nervous

Past participle Past Meaning Present
compared compared يقارن compare
traded traded يتاجر trade
exported exported يصدر export
imported imported يستورد import
prepared prepared يعد /يجهز prepare
concentrated on concentrated on يركز على concentrate on
prepared for the exams prepared for the exams يستعد للامتحان prepare for the exams
discussed discussed يناقش discuss
done a test did a test يؤدى اختبار do a test
made sure made sure يتأكد make sure
asked for a drink asked for a drink يطلب مشروب ask for a drink
followed rules followed rules يتبع قواعد follow rules
worried about worried about يقلق على worry about
checked checked يفحص check
got to got to يصل إلى get to
copied copied ينسخ copy
added added يضيف add
Language functions
النصيحة 1- advice
نعطى النصيحة بأكثر من طريقة:
1- You should + infinitive …
2- If I were you, I would + infinitive …
3- You would better + infinitive …
ونضع not بعد هذه التعبيرات فى حالة النفى
النصيحة فى الماضى past advice
النصيحة فى الماضى نستخدم should + have + pp
الراى 2- Opinion
لإعطاء الراى نقول:
1- I think …
2- In my opinion …
الموافقة على الراى
1- I agree
2- I think so
1- I don’t agree
2- I disagree
3- I don’t think so

1) Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- A friend of yours tells you he/she hasn’t studied well for the exam. Advise him/her.
2- You are very sleepy and you can’t complete the film. Express this result to your sister.
3- Tell your friend the reason for not attending his sister’s wedding party.
4- You are a boss and one of the employees is doing something wrong. Give him instructions.

2) Read and match:

a- that I read it over and over again. ( )
b- she had finished school. ( )
c- gone to bed earlier. ( )
d- I’d revise for the exam. ( )
e- he had bought a present for his mum’s birthday. ( )
f- don’t waste your time. ( ) 1- Maraw should have
2- If I were you,
3- Mohammed told his dad that
4- By the time Mai joined the university,
5- The story is so exciting

3) Choose the correct answer:
1- If you (make – plan – draw – wash) your work, you will certainly succeed.
2- It was so fine (what – which – that – then) we spent the whole day outdoors.
3- A/An (unhealthy – healthy – strange – unusual) diet is necessary for everyone.
4- You should have (help – helping – helped – helps) mum with the cleaning.
5- hard-working people should take short (holidays – breaks – sleep – travels) during
their work every day.
6- If I were you, I (can – will – ’ll – ’d) work harder.
7- When are you going to (make – do – help – decide) your final exams?
8- The student is (sow – saw – so – sea) clever that teachers love him.
9- You will be able to answer the questions if you just (press – lit – concentrate – worry).
10- Ramy’d (good – well – better – best) start to revise early for his exams.
11- People think in different (streets – roads – ways – places).
12- It’s (two – to – also – too) hot to go out shopping today, Sally.
13- I’m (hopeless – useless – useful – hopeful) about his exams. I think he will leave work.
14- (Doing – Do – Did – Does) your work carefully, or you will leave work.
15- May I (answer – write – ask – concentrate) for a drink?
16- He failed the test (although – so – because – however) he didn’t study hard.

3) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- You should concentrate on your work. (if)
2- The bus left very early, so I couldn’t catch it. (so … that)
3- It was lazy of Amr not to do his homework. (should have)
4- He was too angry to talk to. (No one could)
5- If I were you, I’d buy a present for my sister’s birthday. (should)
6- Many countries buy our crops. (export)
7- He lost his money because he wasn’t careful. (should have)
8- It’s too cold for us to go swimming. (so … that)

4) Read and correct the underlined words:
1- This is a good book with useless information.
2- When I were you, I’d get up earlier.
3- Didn’t make such a silly mistake again.
4- I watched a nice history film yesterday.
5- Dad can’t has gone to Suez by car.
6- Noha had to watering the plants yesterday.
7- Be carefully when you cross a busy street.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
افتخر بنقابى
عـــــــ مراقب ــــــــــــام للأقسام
عـــــــ مراقب ــــــــــــام للأقسام
افتخر بنقابى

الديانة الديانة : الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام
الجنسية الجنسية : ارض الانبياء والاتقياء والشرفاء الانقياء
عدد المساهمات : 1083
العمر العمر : 35
المهنة المهنة : ليس بعد
الابراج الابراج : العذراء
الأبراج الصينية الأبراج الصينية : التِنِّين
نقاط : 19401
السمعة : 73
تاريخ الميلاد : 29/08/1988
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/01/2011
الموقع : http://baghdadsniper.net/ar/index.htm
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : القراءة والاطلاع
المزاج المزاج : بخير والحمد لله

انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد   انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty2011-10-07, 11:37 pm

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
طال الانتظار
مشرفة منتدى أهل السنة والجماعة
مشرفة منتدى أهل السنة والجماعة
طال الانتظار

الديانة الديانة : مسلمة
الجنسية الجنسية : مصرية
عدد المساهمات : 231
نقاط : 2492
السمعة : 40
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/05/2010

انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد   انجليزية - منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد Empty2012-01-18, 5:49 pm

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
منهج الصف الثالث الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى ( لغة انجليزية ) متجدد
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» رحلة الى مركز الارض ... قصة الصف الثالث الاعدادى ... الترم الثانى
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» امتحان محافظة الشرقية اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الدراسى الثانى 2008_2009م
» مذكرة كاملة لشرح منهج العلوم للصف الثانى الإعدادي الفصل الدراسى الأول 2012

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
فرسان القلعة التعليمية الشاملة  :: ۞ منتديات المراحل التعليمية ۞ :: قلعة المرحلة الاعدادية-
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